Airovita sensors are perfect not only for industrial applications – they can be used in homes, offices and apartment buildings too.
The compact module case fits into the standardized in-wall flush box or can be mounted directly on a wall. For connection the modules come with flying wires and wago clamps. The power supplies comply fully with the safety and EMC standards requested for commercial and residential class ll installations.
The USB-RS485 cable is a USB to RS485 levels serial UART converter cable. The cable provides a fast, simple way to connect Airovita devices to a PC, tablet or a Smartphone (the tablets and smartphones require additional USB OTG Adapter). Each USB-RS485 cable contains a small internal electronic circuit board, which is encapsulated into the USB connector end of the cable. The integrated electronics also include the RS485 transceiver plus Tx and Rx LEDs which give a visual indication of traffic on the cable . The other end of the cable is a bare, tinned wires ended connection.
Two accessories required:
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